Three Facebook Advertising Insights To Help Amplify Your Content from Foxwell Digital

Media Volery recently hosted a lunch and learn at its offices here in Brooklyn, New York with Foxwell Digital. Foxwell Digital is comprised of Andrew and Gracie Foxwell, a duo with expertise in developing advanced Facebook and Instagram advertising strategies. Andrew and Gracie shared an informative session on how to Amplify Your Content with Social Media Marketing: What’s Possible with FB/IG Advertising.

As marketers, we spend so much time carefully crafting content that we want to resonate with our audiences, so it’s critical that we also dedicate the time and resources to properly advertise our content so that it reaches people. During this informative session, I gathered three main takeaways to consider as you plan your social media (Facebook) advertising strategy.

Define your campaign goals and target audience

This is one of the first takeaways; it’s a critical step and essentially the building blocks of your advertising.

Of course, upon embarking on an advertising plan, you have to understand what results you’re seeking from your campaign, and Facebook offers plenty of options to get you started. When assessing the purpose of your ad, ask yourself if you’re looking for email signups, engagement, or brand awareness and recognition – or perhaps you want to increase your online sales. Facebook designed these ads in different formats to help you achieve your end goal. Once you’ve determined your objective, Facebook will walk you through the ad creation process – which will then lead you to selecting your audience.

Your ad will only be effective if you target the right audience. By digging into your Facebook Insights, you should be able to gather the information which informs who your target is. You can target your audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors, and you can also build a custom audience using your own email list.

Use Facebook Pixel to target website visitors

A second major takeaway was the affirmation that Facebook Pixel is truly a marketer’s friend! The Facebook pixel allows you to segment website visitors to retarget them based on their visits to your website. Once you’ve implemented your pixel, you can create a specific timeframe in which you choose to target users. In doing so, you can target users who have visited a specific page on your website (ex: shopping cart), and you can create look-alike audiences for further segmenting on Facebook. As Gracie mentioned, utilizing the pixel is a great way to take advantage of the low hanging fruit. The Facebook pixel will help you target and reach out to customers who may have visited your page but have not come back; it’s a quick and easy way to follow up with people and generate leads.

Consider your ad placement to ensure correct format and display

Lastly, the third takeaway is to consider your ad placement. Facebook ads can be displayed in a variety of formats: carousel, canvas, image, and website link ad. Since Facebook and Instagram have an integrated advertising system, you can set up an ad in Facebook that will also run in Instagram. Of course, if you choose that option, it’s critical that you choose the right ad and image size for optimal display in both platforms. Depending on your campaign’s objective, your ad units and placements will have varying costs and organic reach.


So, to recap – when you start your Facebook ad, define your campaign goals and target audience, set up a Facebook pixel for your website to target and follow up with audiences, and consider your ad placement to ensure your ad is created and viewed in the right format.

Facebook advertising has certainly come a long way, and if you have further questions or concerns about how to get started, check out the Facebook Business Advertiser Help Center.


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