Zontee Hou

3 Interviews Featuring Media Volery President Zontee Hou

With more than 15 years in the digital marketing industry, our own Zontee Hou has deep knowledge in a variety of verticals and has counseled businesses from nonprofits to professional services businesses to luxury goods. We’re thrilled that so many businesses have chose to feature her in the last few months, including one by LinkedIn Marketing for their 16 marketers to follow series.

Here are some of the insights she’s shared along the way.

A Strong Marketing Strategy Is Absolutely Essential

“Every brand needs a strong marketing strategy,” Hou explains, “but oftentimes, brands fall into their marketing approaches, rather than building a thoughtful plan on purpose. Hiring a marketing consultant is about codifying and professionalizing your approach to marketing so you can get serious and focus on specific, targeted results.”

In this interview for the Craft Industry Alliance, Carol Sulcoski asks Zontee to share her tips for entrepreneurs, as well as to reflect on her path to starting Media Volery.

You’re Not Just Competing With Your Own Industry

“You are not competing for eyeballs just within your industry. Your customer is seeing ads from Nike and Apple and The North Face and Whole Foods… and those ads may be at a different standard than yours.

To be effective, your ads need to live up to what your target audience sees every day—meaning you need to understand what each audience segment is comparing you against in terms of ad creative.”

Focusing on digital ad strategies, the folks at Superside asked Zontee to reflect on how to build stronger visuals and more effective campaigns. Click through to read about how she determines the best digital advertising strategy for clients.

Get More Out of Your Existing Content

“I always tell people: we get tired of our marketing [as marketers] before other people do and that’s silly, right? Because for the vast majority of our audience, it’s brand new and, you know, as well as I do, the vast majority of most agencies, especially their audiences are actually being driven by SEO. So, if someone’s coming and exploring your content, they’re often doing it fresh, there’s no reason you couldn’t take a blog post or an ebook from a couple of years ago, and refresh it.”

In this podcast interview with Amanda Milligan of Fractl, Zontee and Amanda discuss how you can “cash in” on content marketing and prove the value of this discipline.

As Zontee always says, content marketing is the fuel for your digital marketing program, so it’s essential to measure its value and connect it to business results. (We’re not a results-driven digital marketing for nothing!)

Want to hire Zontee to create a custom workshop or keynote session for your team? Learn more by clicking here. 

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