Attend a Live Webinar on Content Marketing

Working with small and medium businesses, we recognize that each business has different needs and levels of knowledge. Therefore, in addition to teaching at trade shows and offering private one-on-one teaching sessions with myself and our team, I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be teaching a webinar on content marketing with SCORE later this month.

LIVE Webinar 7/22: Find Your Audience and Build Your Brand Through Content Marketing

Content marketing can help you to build your reputation, establish your expertise, and strengthen your relationship with your customers. In this webinar, digital marketing strategist Zontee Hou will explore the ways in which you can develop blog posts, videos, ebooks, infographics, and other content pieces to support your business every day. She’ll also discuss how you can use social media and email marketing to get the most value out of these content pieces.

Bringing her experience working with businesses large (technology, finance, tourism) and small (independent boutiques, non-profits, start-ups), Zontee will take you through real-life examples of smart content marketing executions, as well as through constructs and exercises you can do for yourself.

  • What is “content marketing”?
  • Why is it a cost-effective way for small businesses to promote themselves?
  • How can small businesses implement content marketing tactics?
  • How should you identify the right content marketing approach for your audience?
  • How do you get the most value out of your content marketing?

Click here to learn more and register. Hope to see you there!

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